January 7th,
Dear 8th District Residents, The 108th session of Wilmington City Council has started and Tuesday night I had the honor of being sworn in to represent you. I'm optimistic about the next four years in the City. I believe much will be achieved. My committee assignments include Public Works and Transportation, Finance and Economic Development, as well as being Vice Chair of Urban Affairs and Community Development. If we haven't yet been acquainted, here's a link to my biography. More importantly, I want to know more about you. Please take two minutes to fill out my survey of resident concerns and don't hesitate to call or email if you have issues: nrfield@wilmingtonde.gov
302-530-6626 Finally, to keep you informed of my efforts on your behalf and to give updates on important City-related issues, every other month I will be publishing this online newsletter. You can get notified when the newsletter is released by leaving your email on my homepage, following @Fieldfordistrict8 on Facebook or sending me an email asking to be added to the list.
Nathan Field First Legislation: Electric Car Charging Stations in Wilmington

Cars running on electricity are better for the environment yet Wilmington lacks the infrastructure to support more than a handful. The only current options are to charge in a personal garage (assuming a resident has one) or to drive ten miles to public charging stations elsewhere.
Since October, I've been working with two other Council members, the Director of Public Works and members of the Mayor's team to write legislation that would provide the framework for a private sector company to install and operate charging stations. This will fill Wilmington’s need but without costing a single tax payer dollar.
A Top Priority: Keeping More Young Wilmingtonians & Attracting Newcomers
Way too many people that are raised in the City leave and don't return. The overwhelming majority of neighborhood kids that I knew growing up here in the 1990s and early 2000s have moved away. It’s a negative cycle for Wilmington that constantly repeats itself. Convincing more of them to stay is critical to the city's future.
If you've left, what would it take for you to consider moving back? Help me understand by filling out my survey.
Just as important, Wilmington needs to convince more of the workers at downtown banks, insurance and law firms and nearby biotech companies etc to either live here or spend their money here outside of work hours.
A key challenge is marketing. Way too often I hear from people who work here but don't live here that they had no idea about Wilmington's very substantial offerings.
I'll be using the platform of 8th District Representative to make sure more potential residents are aware of our city's appeal.

On that note, in November I met with a Senior VP at global biotech company Incyte to talk about the quality of life in the many 8th District neighborhoods that their mostly out of state workforce might find attractive. It was a great meeting. Currently Incyte has only 31 of its employees living in the 19805 and 19806 area codes. We can double that fairly easily and that would make a big difference for the City of Wilmington's finances not to mention local small businesses.
Welcome to the New Happy Valley Civic Association

Congratulations to longtime resident Kim Dorczuk for creating the Happy Valley Civic Association in December. A neighborhood group focused only on this neighborhood, tucked away from the area covered by other civic groups, will add real value to its residents.
Special thanks to Kim for also being the driving force behind the installation of plaques at the top and bottom of the 900 block of Lovering Avenue marking Happy Valley's 1852 creation. This adds some interesting new character and community spirit to the area.
Trolley Square Flooding Issues
3x in 45 days there have been unusually significant floods at certain intersections in Trolley Square especially 14th and Scott. I am closely following the issue and am working to assist in finding the long-term solution to why these floods are suddenly happening.
8th District Quarterly Community Service Project
3 to 4 times per year, I will be organizing a community service project in or near the 8th District. It will take place on a Saturday morning with the goal of building up more local spirit and bringing together residents to help address some city need. If you are interested in participating (or have ideas for projects) please get in touch. The first one will be in late February.
Good and Bad News for Local Restaurants

Running a business is tough under any circumstance, but even more so during a Pandemic, especially for small and independent restaurants. Sadly, Trolley Square Ice Cream shop Scrumptious recently closed its doors.
Some good news: Goober's Diner is now open. I ate there last week and was quite impressed.
I will continue to strongly lobby for the success of any business in the 8th District. Special mention to lifelong city resident Dan Sheridan, owner of the Stitch House Brewery downtown, who plans to open a new venture in Trolley Square, and Highlands resident Ryan German who has been a lead advocate for restaurants in the media to ensure they can weather the pandemic.
Please continue to support these establishments to help them make it to the other side of Covid-19.
A Soon to be Proposed Project at 1700 Shallcross Avenue in 40 Acres

Here is the owner's description: "The Applicant proposes to demolish the existing structure located at 1700 Shallcross Avenue (currently a medical office complex), situated on the outer limits of Forty Acres next to the railroad tracks, and construct two clusters of loft-style apartment buildings containing a total of twenty-four (24) residential units to be known as The Lofts at Shallcross. The proposed buildings will incorporate brick and beige siding exterior and other quality accents designed to reflect the character of the area. The project will include off-street parking and increased open space and landscaped areas. The Applicant looks forward to presenting renderings of the proposed buildings and site to the Forty Acres neighbors on January 13, 2021 and answering any questions."
Here's the link to the January 13th 7pm Zoom presentation.
311: A critically important initiative to improve City Services
Finally, I want to take a minute to emphasize the importance of the"311" system. For any and all municipal issues that you may face, the single most important first step you can take is fill out an online report via this link:
It will take 2 minutes. By doing so you enter data on the issue into the system which enables City officials to address recurring problems more systematically.
On any issue that you bring to my attention, first filling out a 311 will only help us get you faster results.
Follow the Facebook feed (@FieldforDistrict8) for regular updates on District news.