Dear 8th District constituents, Here's my November-December newsletter giving you an update on key issues in and around the neighborhoods of the 8th City Council district. As always please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have a concern. I'm here to help.

Nathan Field
8th District City Councilman
Cellphone: 302-530-6626
Email: Nrfield@wilmingtonde.gov
PS - follow @FieldDistrict8 on Facebook for additional updates on city news
(1) RIP Loretta Walsh

In sad news, eight term Wilmington city council woman Loretta Walsh passed away in late October. Loretta impacted the lives of thousands of people throughout her distinguished public service career that began when she moved to Wilmington in the early 1970s. I had the good fortune of getting to know her when she moved next door to me in early 2020. Councilwoman Walsh quickly became a key mentor and advisor, the first person I called whenever a challenging City issue came up. I am grateful I got to learn so much from Loretta during these 2+ years and will always be keeping what she taught me in mind when advocating for the citizens of Wilmington.
(2) Improving the Bus Riding Experience for Seniors

Every fall I meet with residents of each of the senior High-rise buildings in the 8th District over coffee and donuts to see how they are doing and to listen to any new concerns. The DART Bus riding experience is something we usually discuss since so many seniors use public transportation. This question came up this past month: Could a new bus shelter be added on the Trolley Square side of Pennsylvania Avenue or some new benches to sit on while waiting for the bus?
I've met recently with DART to discuss possibilities. More on that soon.
(3) Neighborhood Beautification Progress
If a house or building is welcoming, and well decorated, people want to linger and spend time in it.
The same is true with neighborhoods that have vibrant and interesting public areas.
Cleaning up Del Ave at N. Clayton - first view of Trolley Square

The first thing people have seen when entering Trolley Square from the East has been two uncovered dumpsters, newspaper stands not used for years and a storage container.

In October the Shopping Center installed a fence around the dumpsters, the linen storage was moved inside the fence, and the newspaper stands were removed. This paves the way for either a showcase garden type flower display or some kind of artistic signage, all contributing to a new look that helps attracts more shoppers and pedestrians to the area. Any ideas welcomed.
New contract for management of DE Avenue Bioswale in 40 Acres
The City recently issued a purchase order to Binkley Horticulture to replant and maintain this arrangement.

Congrats to the Cigar Shop for investing in their New Paint job

The new paint job adds significant new character to Trolley Square.
New benches at entrance to Brandywine Park

My hope is that in the coming months we can get three or more placed in the most scenic spots within the park.
This will enhance Brandywine Park as a place to linger and socialize, relax and enjoy the incredibly beauty, not just as a place to pass through. Augustine Cutoff at Lovering Avenue

First impression of the city of Wilmington coming from the Concord Pike. More on efforts to improve the look at this intersection in coming months.
(4) How should $100,000 in ARPA Money be spent? As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the City of Wilmington received $55 million.
Each council member has been allocated $100,000 in tax payer dollars to support projects in their District.
Please share your thoughts by filling out this two-minute survey about how the money allocated for the 8th District should be spent.
(5) Making the Streets Look Nicer through Public Art
Thanks to the fifteen or so neighborhood residents that have helped with an ongoing public art project to paint the bus stops in Trolley Square. Turns out that painting bus stops was a bit more complicated than we first assumed.
But we have mostly finished two this fall along Delaware Avenue.

(6) Fun Upcoming Neighborhood Events

Brandywine Park Monument Hike
November 12th. I highly recommend this hike where you can learn about the many historic monuments in Brandywine Park, filled with interesting monuments from the late 1800s era of Wilmington and US history.
Night at the Rockford Tower November 19th. Climb to the top and see Wilmington's iconic skyline at night.
Highlands Neighborhood Association 5k - November 27th November 27th. Click here to register. Tap House Runners - Weekly Running and Social Club. Meets every Tuesday night at 6:30 in front of Trolley Square Tap House for a run followed by socializing at the Tap House.
"Garden Musings" at December Art Loop December 2nd at Delaware Center for Horticulture
Holidays at Hagley November 25th through January 1st.
Delaware Art Museum - 2 new exhibits
A Marriage of Arts & Crafts: Evelyn and William De Morgan
(7) How to quickly fix broken streetlights
Delmarva has done an excellent job of using technology to make it easy to get broken street lights fixed.
Simply go to www.delmarva.com:

(8) When will the Bancroft footbridge open again? 2025?
The bridge has been closed since September 2021 due to damage sustained during a flood. Click here to read about the new information provided during an October 27th meeting.

(9) Update About Rockford Park Proposal
This State of Delaware proposal was presented at the Highlands Community Association meeting on October 19th:

Due to strong feedback from neighborhood residents, less disruptive proposals for improving safety in the park are being considered by the City.
(10) Mill Road Trail Update

$160,000 has been raised to add a new perk for city living by modernizing an old 1800s era factory worker's trail along the Brandywine to make it available for the bikers and walkers of today. My hope is that at least some of the work is done in 2022. The outstanding question that needs to be settled before construction can begin is what will go here:

One idea that had been put forward was to put a foot bridge here, but due to cost, the decision was made to replace the existing culvert with a new one.
Finalizing the design for the new culvert is taking place now, and once complete, construction can begin.
(11) Latest on Gibraltar

As your City Council representative, I continue to monitor in great detail all Gibraltar-related developments. I will continue to immediately inform you whenever there is new information.
There is nothing new to report since my last newsletter other than that the potential developers are studying options that they may pursue.
(12) An update on handling Tree issues
If you have an ongoing tree issue, the City Arborist that you may have been in contact with now works for a different city.
As an interim solution for addressing tree issues, the City is hiring a company to handle those tasks.
For routine updates on neighborhood news in between newsletters, follow @FieldforDistrict8 on Facebook